Links. Finally using this domain name.
Te Whanganui-a-Tara / Wellington (2024)
Map of Wellington (Te Whanganui-a-Tara) is derived from the Wellington City 1m contours data published by
Wellington City Council and made
available under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International licence.
knolling.studio (2025)
RIP. A screenshot of an abandoned homepage design.
The National Discography (2024)
Updated poster for an obsessed fan of The National.
Type Here: Poster Submissions (2024)
Responding to the theme Aotearoa Now, these posters show the population/ethnicity and river centrelines of Aotearoa New Zealand.
⌙ More information about the data and designs can be found in my quarterly update (Q2—24).
Résumé (2024)
A screenshot of my latest résumé.
DANDRØIDS (2022—Present)
WIP. Logo for imaginary AI characters. Typeset in The Future from Klim Type Foundry.
Personal Logo (2023)
Homage to the Braun logo, which was originally designed by Will Münch (then updated by Wolfgang Schmittel in the 50s). This is based on the
90s version of the logo that’s in use today, and yes, I’m a Braun nerd.
Résumé (2022)
A screenshot of my previous résumé with the grid displayed.
Knolling (2021—Present)
WIP. Logo for our family office / limited company. Typeset in Pitch Sans from Klim Type Foundry.
Unlimited Editions (2020—Present)
WIP. Logo for an online shop. Typeset in Feijoa from Klim Type Foundry.
The National Discography (2020)
Poster for an obsessed fan of The National.
River Centrelines, Topo 1:250k (2020)
Poster of New Zealand river centrelines. Map data derived from Land Information New Zealand.
Giza Necropolis (2020)
Poster of The Great Pyramids of Giza.
flagdesign.nz (2015—2016)
RIP. Logo for a blog about the New Zealand flag redesign process and referendum.
Flag Redesign (2015—2016)
An alternative design for the New Zealand flag.
Days Of The Week (c2020)
WIP. Tote bag for every day of the week.
~/contactable (2024)
Meta. New contact page.
dan.newman.is (2023)
Meta. Mobile improvements to my site.
anoushkaisaac.com (2023)
A screenshot of the homepage of Noush’s site.
Résumé (2022)
A screenshot of the text from my previous résumé.
dan.newman.is (2022)
RIP. A screenshot of an abandoned homepage design.
Unlimited Editions (2020—Present)
WIP. A selection of posters designed for an online shop.
International VexilLOLogy Society (2015—2016)
RIP. Spurious society for flag design nerds aka those displeased with the quality of the selected designs for the New Zealand flag referendum.
Flag Redesigns (2015—2016)
Alternative designs for the New Zealand flag.
Recollection (2015)
Reposting 100 black and white photos from various travels and places of interest. Shot on a Panasonic Lumix GF1 or an iPhone 4S.
Grandad (c1999)
RIP. Photo montage of my Grandad shot on a Seagull DF-300A with black and white film.